The Leahy Lounge

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Loy 1, Civilization 0

I've had a sinking feeling that something wasn't right for the past few days. I attributed this malaise to the foul weather which has wreaked havoc on the region. Little did I know the putrid stench emanated from a massive collection of knobs north of the city.

In a city known infamously for the brutal murders of a few sexy witches and one legendary swinger, news of the gathering drew mixed reactions. One socially adept teenager responded "what's Harry Potter?" when questioned about the conference. While another young man, bedecked in a seersucker suit two sizes too small, let out a falsetto cry of support for the visiting potter-ists while raising his hand in a two finger "victory" sign. "This is literally the biggest thing that's ever happened in this city. I'm on my way home now to strangle a few of the neighborhood cats before I head out to the costume party."

Sales of prophylactics reached an all time low, but the local comic shop enjoyed record profits. Check out this nugget:

"One of Saturday's most popular events was a speech delivered by Henry Jenkins, a professor of literature and comparative media studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of Converge Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide. Jenkins said that the novels could become fodder for serious academic study. "What's exciting about this is the total fusion of fan and academic discussions," Jenkins said. "That's a breaking down of the walls that hasn't occurred in many other places."

Some poor bastard is paying $40k a year at MIT to listen to this quack.

Make it stop, Jesus. Make it stop.
# :: posted by Coach Leahy, 4:41 PM