The Leahy Lounge

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

German Man Claims U.S. Tortured Him

WASHINGTON - A German man, Khaled al-Masri, 42, alleged in a lawsuit Tuesday that the U.S. tortured him after mistakenly identifying him as an associate of the September 11 hijackers. A Leahy Lounge correspondent confronted Masri with the fact that the "U.S." is a rather broad entity containing approximately 300 million people and asked him to be more specific. Masri replied, "It was Cheney mostly. He kept stomping on my feet with his big cowboy boots and yelling 'yeehaa' in my ears. Barbara Boxer was there too. She would pull down my undershorts and point to my genitalia while the Senate Judiciary Committee snapped digital pictures. But the Supreme Court was probably the worst. Ruth Bader Ginsburg attached electrodes to my testicles. Scalia would ask her to pull his finger and, every time she did, he would fart like the dickens and I would get the hell shocked out me. They got the biggest kick out of that one."
# :: posted by Swarthington, 7:17 AM